Virtual Choir

What is a virtual choir?

There are many types of virtual choir or band, but the one thing that is in common is that the people on the recording you hear were not in the same room at the same time. This has therefore flourished a lot during lockdown 2020. It's also helped us keep in touch and continue to work with people who sing and play with us while in Tenerife but are currently not even in the same country as each other.

For our Virtual Choir (and band) we have created basic backing tracks, which are sent out by email. The choir and band members then record their parts (sometimes more than one - especially true for echoes and harmonies) while listening to these tracks and send them back. These recordings are made on a variety of devices, from mobile phones to Digital Audio Workstations. They are then assembled into one mix and used in our service on that Sunday.

Those on these recordings are:
(not everyone is on every recording - this is supposed to be fun so there is no obligation to record everything, and some people joined us for special occasions, such as the "Carols by Zoomlight" service)

The songs and hymns we've used so far (165 and counting!) are:

A new commandment
All creatures of our God and king
All heaven declares
All I once held dear
All my days
All people that on earth do dwell
Amazing grace
An army of ordinary people
And can it be
Angels from the realms of glory
As the deer pants for the water
As we are gathered
As with gladness, men of old
At the name of Jesus
Away in a manger
Be still and know
Be still for the presence of the Lord
Be thou my vision
Beautiful Lord (Potter's hand)
Beauty for brokenness
Because He lives
Before the throne of God above
Bind us together
Bless the Lord (10000 reasons)
Blessed be your name
Breathe on me breath of God
Broken for me
Brother, sister let me serve you (the servant song)
Build your kingdom here
Colours of day
Come and join the celebration
Come, now is the time to worship
Come thou long-expected Jesus
Create in me
Crown Him with many crowns
Day by day (prepare ye the way of the Lord)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Did you feel the mountains tremble?
Faithful One
Father God I wonder
Father I place into your hands
Father we love you
For the beauty of the earth
From Heaven you came (Servant king)
From the squalor of a borrowed stable (Immanuel)
Give thanks
Go forth and tell
God forgave my sin (Freely freely)
Grace is
Great is thy faithfulness
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
Hallelujah, my Father
Hallelujah sing to Jesus
Happy Day (The greatest day in history)
He has risen
Here is love
Holy holy holy is the Lord
Holy holy holy Lord God almighty
Holy Spirit, we welcome you
How lovely on the mountains (Our God reigns)
I am a new creation
I am the bread of life
I cannot tell
I give you all the honour
I hear the sound of rustling
I lift my hands (I will serve no foreign god)
I the lord of sea and sky
I walk by faith
I want to serve the purpose of God
I will offer up my life
I will sing the wondrous story
I will speak out
I will worship
In Christ alone
In the bleak midwinter
It only takes a spark (pass it on)
Jesus calls us
Jesus Christ I think upon your sacrifice
Jesus Christ is risen today
Jesus is King
Jesus is Lord!
Jesus Jesus Holy and annointed one
Jesus shall take the highest honour
Jesus take me as I am
Jesus we enthrone you
Joy to the world
King of kings, majesty
Lead us heavenly Father
Led like a lamb to the slaughter
Let everything that has breath
Let there be love shared among us
Light of the world
Longing for light (Christ be our light)
Lord, for the years
Lord I come to you
Lord I lift your name on high
Lord of the dance
Lord the light of your love (shine Jesus shine)
Lord you have my heart
Love divine
Love incarnate (with a prayer)
Make me a channel of your peace
Make Way Make Way
Mary's boy child
May the peace
Men of faith (shout to the north)
Morning has broken
My Jesus, My Saviour
Now when peace like a river (it is well)
O come all ye faithful
O come o come Emmanuel
O for a thousand tongues to sing
O God, our help in ages past
O holy night
O little town of Bethlehem
O Lord how shall I meet you
O Lord my God (How great thou art)
Once in royal David's city
One shall tell another
Only by grace
Open the eyes of my heart Lord
Open our eyes, Lord
Our God is greater (water you turned into wine)
Praise, my soul, the king of heaven
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise is rising
Purify my heart
Seek ye first
Silent night
Sing of the Lord's goodness
Soon and very soon
Spirit of the living God
Take my life, and let it be
Take us to the river
Tell out, my soul
Thank you for saving me
Thank you Jesus
The first nowell
The king of love my shepherd is
The Lord's My Shepherd (Townend version)
The Lord's My Shepherd (Traditional version)
The Spirit lives to set us free (walk walk in the light)
The Slendour of the King (how great is our God)
The Summons (will you come and follow me)
There is a redeemer
These are the days of Elijah
Thine Be the Glory
This is the air I breathe
To be in your presence
To God be the Glory
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
We believe
We plough the fields and scatter
What a friend we have in Jesus (tune: the carnival is over)
When I needed a neighbour
When I survey
When I was lost
When the music fades
When we walk with the Lord (Trust and obey)
Who, O Lord, could save themselves
Who has laid the earth's foundations
Wonderful, so wonderful (Beautiful one)
You are the king of glory
You laid aside your majesty

We've also a video

We did this one for "Thy Kingdom Come", so you may have seen it as part of that.

Like to get involved?

email us at